
What is Connecticut & Western Massachusetts Mensa?

Mensa is the international high IQ society founded in 1946, with over 100,000 members world-wide. Mensa members (called Mensans) must be in the top 2% of standardized IQ tests to qualify. Connecticut & Western Massachusetts Mensa (abbreviated “C&WM”) is a local chapter of Mensa.

Mensa in the United States is known as American Mensa and is divided into ten geographic regions. Region 1 includes Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York (excluding Western New York Mensa and Rochester Area Mensa), the northern portion of New Jersey (including the Newark area) and a portion of northeastern Pennsylvania. Twelve local groups comprise the region.

Connecticut and Western Massachusetts Mensa is a local group of American Mensa. C&WM consists of  Connecticut (except for Fairfield County, which is Southern Connecticut Mensa [SCM]) and the four western counties of Massachusetts: Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, and Hampshire.) Greater Boston Mensa covers the rest of Massachusetts.

Near-by Mensa Chapters also include Rhode Island (RIM), Greater New York Mensa (GNYM), Mid-Hudson (NY) Mensa, Mensa of Northeastern New York (MONNY), New Hampshire / Maine Mensa, and Vermont Mensa.

Mensa International’s website is WWW.Mensa.Org.

Mensa takes its name from the Latin word for “table”. Specifically, a round table at which we are equals. We each pay our own way, voice our opinions, and respect each other. The only qualification for Mensa membership is that a person score at or above the 98th percentile on any one of several standardized tests. Testing is done in C&WM several times each year, or people can submit the results of previously-taken tests. Click on Joining Mensa to learn more.

Interested in joining? Talk to anyone on the Contact us tab. There are more details about Mensa at American Mensa’s website.

We’re basically a social group like any other social group.

We get together to meet old friends, make new friends, and have a good time.

What we don’t do:

We don’t get involved with political (or religious) issues or try to solve the world’s problems. That’s an individual’s prerogative, not Mensa’s. We don’t pressure anyone to participate in an activity that they don’t want to engage in. For example, many people drink only seltzer or soda at Happy Hours and parties. We don’t say “I’ll get the tab this time. You can pick it up next time.” Each person pays his own way. Once in a great while, a Mensan may have a windfall or special event and feel like treating a group of people to dinner or some other activity. Repayment is never expected.

What we do do:

We do have some pretty regular activities we engage in. Let us know if you’re interested through one of our contacts. You’re welcome to attend many of these activities as a guest.

Who are Connecticut & Western Massachusetts Mensans?

C&WM Mensa members are young, chronologically enhanced (think “Red Hat Society”, but for everyone!), and everywhere in between. We come from all social and economic backgrounds.

Where is Connecticut & Western Massachusetts Mensa?

We cover a lot of territory—all of CT except Fairfield County, plus the four western counties of Mass.

To learn more about our chapter, go to the Contact us tab. We’d love to hear from you.

Connecticut & Western Mass Mensa